White House, TN

Municipal Court

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Questions-615-672-4350 ext. *2100

Office Hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:15 am to 5:15 pm, except holidays

If you have Failed to Apear for court or Failed to Pay your traffic citation after court and your license has been sent to the State for suspension, Your citation is not eligible to be paid on line.  You will have to pay with cash or a money order either in the office at 105D College Street during our regular business hours listed above or you may mail a money order to 105D College Street, White House, TN  37188 and once we received your payment, the clerks office will mail you a receipt and clearance to reinstate your DL.

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Questions-615-672-4350 ext. *2100

Office Hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:15 am to 5:15 pm, except holidays

If you have Failed to Apear for court or Failed to Pay your traffic citation after court and your license has been sent to the State for suspension, Your citation is not eligible to be paid on line.  You will have to pay with cash or a money order either in the office at 105D College Street during our regular business hours listed above or you may mail a money order to 105D College Street, White House, TN  37188 and once we received your payment, the clerks office will mail you a receipt and clearance to reinstate your DL.